allbar(allbark and no bite)
2023-04-11 20:32

#挑战7天在头条写日记# 这个还真是挑战。因为本人从不写日记。记得曾经看过的《上甘岭》电影中有个战斗日记。看起来特别鼓舞人心。也是通过那个电影大概知道日记要写些什么。天气,一天做的事情,还有心情,甚至个人情绪等等,应该都可以写。不过在头条,除了天气,其它还是不愿意写。不愿意一个人赤裸裸地暴露在公众视野,然后像《忏悔录》的作者卢梭一样,把自己扒得体无完肤,然后大声疾呼:看谁有我这样好?不过,今天的天气大家都知道。很晴朗,风应该也不小。核酸超48了,干脆就没有出门。很多人估计疫情防控会有大的政策调整,甚至全面放开。不过还是没有见到。可能还是步子不能过大吧?毕竟是首都,松一点紧一点都影响一大片,只能一步一步来吧。跟着其它大城市后面也很不错,看看步子大一些的广州、上海、还有老胡特意提到的保定,让它们先实验吧。Life is a bar without prison. If the bar open for you all of a sudden, where will you go from here?

Most young men don't know how to care for children. But they themselves may not think so.

When I was in my twenties, one day my sister left two children of hers in my care, I felt excited and confident that I would be a great temporary father. But I didn't know something went wrong from the beginning.

I gave a chocolate bar to one of the boys, the younger one, simply because I had only one single chocolate bar.

I took out all the toys and hoped they would play with the toys. But the older nephew said to me in a low voice, "I want to flush him away down the toilet", when my younger nephew was playing with a toy bear.

"Okay, I will do it for you." I said, pretending I was serious.

I held my younger nephew in my arms, and whispered to him, " I'll hide you in a secret place." He was happy to hear me say so.

I went to the bathroom with my younger nephew in my arms and hid him in a cupboard, and flushed the toilet intentionally.

Then I retuned to tell my older nephew, "I got him flushed away down the toilet."

" Really? You did it?" he asked nervously, his eyes wide open.

He ran to the toilet and saw the slippers of his brother beside it and began to cry sadly, "you killed him. you killed him."

"Oh, no. don't cry. He's in the cupboard." I said, opening the cupboard door.

But the younger boy wasn't there!

"You liar." he cried sadlier and sadlier, sitting on the floor.

Where was the younger boy? All of sudden I realized that someone might have come in and abducted my nephew!

I rushed out of the apartment to the street and saw no abductor at all.

I came back to apartment in anxiety, looked for the younger boy in all wardrobes and cupboards, but didn't find his whereabouts. I felt a bit dizzy then.

At last I found my younger nephew sleeping under the bed in his parents' bedroom. I didn't know that the boy wanted to hide in another place rather than I chose for him, and that he could fall asleep so soon.

My older nephew didn't forgive me in a whole day.

【讯驰教育】July 28, 2022


I told my son that can not sit at home all the time in the summer vacation , to do some activities, go downstairs to hang the horizontal bar or to run. Also can't play too many games, it's ok to play appropriately, the brain always has to rest, can't keep learning.Dad and Mom will not accompany you for a lifetime, your body and your knowledge will follow you for life, they are your most important relying.

soft case 是指"软壳箱子"吗?

old flame "老火苗"什么含义?

happy hour 这个"快乐时光"什么意思?

1,soft case: 大家都听说过"这是个小case,没问题,好处理"的说法,这个case不是箱子的意思,而是"事情,案件"的意思。那么推理一下,"hard case"就是"不好处理的事情"了,后来引申为"不好相处的人"。那么再推理,"soft case"就是"容易相处的人"了,根据情境,有时候也有"软柿子"的意思了。

例句: They bully him like dealing with a soft case.他们像捏软柿子一样欺负他。

2, old flame: 我们都知道"星星之火可以燎原",但这个表达方式里的"火"可不是燃薪之火,而是燃情之火,是"欲火"。"old flame"是个俚语,暗指"老情人"。有时候这个火对家庭的破坏力可比有形之火更可怕。挺有意思,中文的"老情人"强调其迷人性,有情再相聚。而英文里的"老火苗"强调了它的危险性,引火会烧身!还是引以为戒吧。
