2023-04-12 10:55

网页链接,Verse 1:

曾经有梦展翅飞 爱恋却落空

心中痴情太多 此刻因你而沉醉

又是一段未知的旅程 爱情更换了印记

Verse 2:

谁能理解我的清冷 空荡也有伤悲

无言任凭泪水自行流淌 青春也早收藏

失落都有原因进行自由行  历史宣判现实无常


当看到你离开后空无一人 失去你痛心也难以再恢复

时间若隐藏你在哪一方 我的青春遗憾你能否明了

Verse 3:

昨夜的回忆里缠绵不断 宿命的情份谁把它弃掉

看不见天边的希望 只有灵魂在黑夜中等待

Verse 4:

看不见你的脸庞 曾经的共振是否还存留

无法释怀的苦楚 青春的未来猜不到


当看到你离开后空无一人 失去你痛心也难以再恢复

时间若隐藏你在哪一方 我的青春遗憾你能否明了


感动太多次爱与思念 放不下这份苦楚

牵挂追不及年少的梦 守候拼凑旧时光


当看到你离开后空无一人 失去你痛心也难以再恢复

时间若隐藏你在哪一方 我的青春遗憾你能否明了


爱而不得最难受  你离开后失去的美好

思念你的时光依旧存在 我的青春遗憾你能否明了

This video is very good, please pay attention to: cloud code Android, suggest we cooperate, teach foreigners to learn Chinese characters, Chinese python, Basic programming technology. College I used to travel to the United States twice, learned: many companies, people are eager to learn Chinese. Suggestion: You should speak English slowly and in short sentences, so that it is easier to learn. Enter:, display: 0 print" input: h display: a y /one also called: a horizontal. Descr /one also called: a horizontal. input Enter hh two er over two input Input: hhh three three s love n Wu Jingzu February 7, 2022" Foreigners can also be taught Basic programming.//@云码5Z0B:这个视频非常好,请关注:云码安卓,建议我们合作,教外国人学汉字,汉字python、Basic编程技术。
我曾经去美国旅游两次,了解到:许许多多的公司、人都渴望学汉字。 建议:你们视频说英语的速度要慢一点,句子短一点,这样就容易学会。 输入:,显示:0 print " input输入:h display显示: 一yī/one also called:a horizontal,也称:一横héng。 input输入:hh 二èr/two input输入:hhh three三sān 吴敬祖 2022年2月7日" 还可以教外国人学会Basic编程。//@云码5Z0B:这个视频非常好,请关注:云码安卓,建议我们合作,教外国人学汉字,汉字python、Basic编程技术。

ZaharaEnglish 优质教育领域创作者



Chat gtp,网页链接


开音节:bate cate date fate gate

be me we these

bite cite dite fite gite

bode code do go no so

buge. cute tude rule

闭音节:bat cat dat gat hat land

bet get let met net mend

bit sit fit it

got lot not hot long

bug hut fuck duck luck


开篇:Crime and Justice

一、引言 Introduction

“We know all men are not created equal in the sense some people would have us believe ... some people are born gifted beyond the normal scope of most men.

But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal ... That institution, gentlemen, is a court."

---- To Kill A Mocking Bird





I believe that many people are not unfamiliar with the book, while this sentence in "To kill a Mockingbird" is my enlightenment. Today, we will begin our overview of crime and justice in light of this sacred concept of the court.

Part 1. Crime 犯罪

• 什么是犯罪?

- 犯罪为违法行为的一种,但违法行为≠犯罪。

- 犯罪触犯《刑法》,是严重的违法行为。

- 犯罪行为对社会造成危害(情节显著轻微,危害不大的非犯罪),以致国家不得不干预而非私人仲裁。

- 大众决定应采取有组织的,强制性的措施来指出这种冒犯性的行为。

• What is Crime, and what does it imply?

- crime is a break of law, but a break of law isn't necessarily a crime.

- crime is the gravest breach of social code, the violation of criminal law.

- it strikes at communal values so deeply and causes arresting harm to society that the state has to intervene and cannot leave it to individuals to arbitrate privately.

- people agreed that organized, coercive action was required to mark the affront.

Part 2. Criminal Law 刑法


- 它规定了我们的行为以及道德边界并名文规定了禁区。


- 它赋予了国家采取措施的权力。

- 该措施的目的包括:惩罚犯罪分子,保护受害者以及社会安全,使罪犯改过自新并恢复正常生活。

In response to these grave breaches of the social code, criminal law was enacted:

- it establishes the boundaries of our humanity and identify the no-go zones.

As Professor Luo mentioned, the law sets the lowest standard for our morality.

- it endows the state with unique powers of correction.

- The corrections intend to: punish criminals, protect victims and society as a whole, and rehabilitate criminals.




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F. Compliance Procedures.

We must all work together to ensure prompt and consistent action against violations of this Code. In some situations, however, it is difficult to know if a violation has occurred. Because we cannot anticipate every situation that will arise, it is important that we have a way to approach a new question or problem. These are the steps to keep in mind:



安德鲁·克拉克(Andrew Clark):我们可能会向 React 添加类似信号的基元,但我不认为这是编写 UI 代码的好方法。它对于性能来说非常棒。但我更喜欢 React 的模型,即每次都假装重新创建整个组件树。我们的计划是使用编译器来实现可比较的性能。

I don’t get this. With reactive primitives + compilers you get the same “pretend rerender everything” DX minus all the hooks quirks. It’s objectively better DX with the same composability.

Andrew Clark: We might add a signals-like primitive to React but I don’t think it’s a great way to write UI code. It’s great for performance. But I prefer React’s model where you pretend the whole thing is recreated every time. Our plan is to use a compiler to achieve comparable performance.

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