love evolution(love evolution打不开)
2023-04-21 15:55

【稻盛和夫哲学】提升心性 :No.1

I can't observe nature, the formation of matter in the universe, the birth of life or the process of evolution and not see a destiny that is more than coincidental.

我无法观察世界万物, 宇宙中物质的产生、生命的诞生以及进化的演绎,我们不得不认为,这些现象并不是偶然的产物,其中存在着必然性。

The world seems to have a "flow" that evolves and develops everything. I call this "the will of the universe." This will is filled with love, sincerity and harmony. Our personal destiny depends on whether or not the energy emitted by our mind is in harmony with the universal


在这个世界上,万物都有进化发展的趋势,这可称为 “宇宙的意志”。宇宙的意志充满着爱、真诚以及和谐。所以, 我们每个人的思维所发出的能量,与宇宙的意志是否协调,就决定了我们各自的命运。

Fortune smiles upon us when we make a wish with a pure mind that is in harmony with this universal will.



The pleasure principle can probably be likened most to the latent appreciation of beauty that is everywhere apparent if you look for it: the ecstasy of each form of life for the wonders of its own existence, in which love's values go beyond themselves, and yet a condition in which each species or life form "realizes" that its own fulfillment adds immeasurably to the existence of all other forms.

——《梦、进化与价值完成》 Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment
